
Start where the heart is.

Supportive Community: Transition-age youth

In classical music, intrada is a prelude. For Vecino, it’s a community with an optimism for what’s next. A place to greet each day and embrace its potential. Each Intrada community is home to a number of transition-age youth who also experience a supportive environment as they look to their future. From the tiny chats to big adventures, this is the place to connect and thrive.

St. Louis, Missouri

Status: Opened 2018

Residential Units: 56

Total sf: 51,500

Build Type: Historic Renovation

Development Cost: $10,486,024

Saratoga Springs, New York

Status: Opened 2020

Residential Units: 158

Total sf: 154,430

Build Type: New Construction

Development Cost: $30,500,000

Atlanta, Georgia

Status: Opening 2022

Residential Units: 143

Total sf: 167,450

Build Type: New Construction

Development Cost: $35,000,000

Property website: coming soon

El Reno, Oklahoma

Status: Opened 2019

Residential Units: 57

Total sf: 52,654

Build Type: Historic Reservation

Development Cost: $15,900,000

We’re proud of these as well: